This tutorial looks at drawing chibi character facial expressions. Chibi characters are highly simplified versions of the anime or manga fashion drawn with huge heads and tiny bodies. Chibi expressions take the blank minimum needed to convey a sure emotion and tin relieve an artist a lot of fourth dimension. For this reason they can even exist used as "cutting-ins" in more serious styles of anime or manga.

16 chibi anime facial expressions emotions chart
Chibi anime facial expressions/emotions

Chibi Anime Expressions and Emotions

Because there characters are so stylized information technology's hard to have articulate guidelines for correctly placing their facial features.

When drawing chibi faces you tin avoid drawing the olfactory organ all together. For placing the optics (equally suggested in several other tutorials you can detect hither on Anime Outline) you tin draw a horizontal line through the middle of the head and draw the optics below that. For a chibi oral fissure/eyebrows just estimate the placement based on what looks right.

For an open chibi mouth you don't need to depict the jaw lower downwards like y'all would in more realistic styles instead the mouth can actually interruption out of the shape of the head.

For the proportions for drawing an entire chibi graphic symbol run into:

How to Describe Chibi Anime Character Step by Step

Cartoon Normal Chibi Anime Expression

Anime chibi face drawing
Normal chibi anime facial expression

For a normal expression of a chibi anime character draw the eyes pretty much as you would for a regular anime character. Depict the eyebrows slightly in a higher place the eyes and draw the mouth with a light curve.

Drawing Puppy Optics Chibi Anime Expression

Anime chibi puppy eyes facial expression drawing
Puppy eyes chibi anime facial expression

For puppy eyes or begging type of wait you tin describe the eyes completely black with huge reflections and more of them than normal. Describe the mouth in a downwards curve slightly higher up and then normal to indicate that the bottom lip is raised. Depict the eyebrows slightly closer together than normal curving upwards and raised towards the middle of the face.

Drawing Nervous Chibi Anime Expression

Anime chibi nervous facial expression drawing
Nervous chibi anime facial expression

For a slightly nervous chibi expression describe the irises/pupils of the eyes slightly smaller and looking slightly to the side. Describe the eyebrows lightly raised towards the center of the face and curving upward. Draw the mouth with a light smile. If y'all are shading your drawing practise not shade the inside of the mouth to indicate that yous are seeing the white of the teeth. Finally for the real chibi part draw a large drib icon on the upper part of one side of the head to point sweat.

Drawing Very Embarrassed/Shocked Chibi Anime Expression

Anime chibi embarrassed facial expression drawing
Embarrassed chibi anime facial expression

For a very embarrassed or shocked chibi anime expression draw the optics as two circles with a thick outline (no other details). Describe the eyebrows equally two directly lines (thicker than normal expression eyebrows) going downwards towards the center of the face and lightly touching the eyes. Draw the rima oris completely covering the chin all the manner to the bottom of the face up. The mouth should have a somewhat rectangular shape with curved corners.

Drawing a "Love" Chibi Anime Expression

Anime chibi love facial expression drawing
"Love" chibi anime facial expression

For a "love" expression in the chibi style you tin simply describe the optics with two hearts. Note that this does non necessary have to be love for a person. This can be used to show emotion towards anything the characters loves. Draw the eyebrows slightly raised and draw the oral cavity like to an oval with the height cut off.

Cartoon Scared Chibi Anime Expression

Anime chibi scared facial expression drawing
Scared chibi anime facial expression

For a actually scared chibi expression draw the eyes as two circles with a thick outline and no other details. Draw the eyebrows thicker than normal (no line weight variation) in calorie-free upside downward curves raised towards the centre of the face. Draw an open oral cavity that is wider in length than in peak.

Drawing a Ticked Off Chibi Anime Expression

Anime chibi ticked off facial expression drawing
Ticked off chibi anime facial expression

For a ticked off chibi expression draw the optics as half circles with thick outlines and a thick directly horizontal lines on tiptop of those to indicate the eyelids/eyelashes. Draw the eyebrows as simple straight lines with no line weight variation going down towards the eye of the confront. Draw the mouth curving downwardly and tilted to one side of the face.

Drawing a Actually Angry Chibi Anime Expression

Anime chibi angry facial expression drawing
Angry chibi anime facial expression

For a very aroused chibi anime expression depict the eyes as circles with thick outlines but with the top office beingness slightly cut off by the eyebrows. Draw the eyebrows as fairly thick straight lines angled downward towards the centre of the face but draw the inner ends of the eyebrows going straight upward. the eyebrows should make a kind of "cheque marker" shape. Depict the oral cavity wide open going all the way to the bottom of the face up and covering the mentum. Describe the elevation of the mouth in a downward curve. Finally to make the expression even more than chibi draw a popping vein icon on the forehead.

Drawing a Content Chibi Anime Expression

Anime chibi content facial expression drawing
Content chibi anime facial expression

For a content chibi expression draw the eyes completely airtight in downwards curves tilted upwards towards the middle of the face. Draw the eyebrows raised and besides tilted in. Describe the rima oris with a light smile. If you are shading don't shade the inside of the mouth to signal that teeth are showing. Y'all can also simply describe the same oral cavity as the normal expression.

Drawing a Happy Chibi Anime Expression

Anime chibi happy facial expression drawing
Happy chibi anime facial expression

For a happy chibi expression draw the eyes and eyebrows same as you would for the content expression. Draw the mouth close in shape to a half-oval. Depict the bottom of the oral fissure going past the chin and breaking out of the overall shape of the head.

Drawing a Hungry/Dazed Chibi Anime Expression

Anime chibi hungry facial expression drawing
Hungry chibi anime facial expression

For a hungry or dreaming most food expression draw the eyes closed in slight down curves. Draw the eyebrows slightly raised. Draw the mouth slightly open in a curved smile shape only with rounded corners. Finally depict a lilliputian drool drip on one side of the oral fissure. Every bit this is a chibi expression draw the drool driblet as if though its merged with the overall shape of the rima oris.

Drawing a Daydreaming Chibi Anime Expression

Anime chibi daydreaming facial expression drawing
Daydreaming chibi anime facial expression

For a daydreaming chibi expression draw the eyes looking like greater and bottom than symbols (">" and "<"). Draw the eyebrows curved upwardly and raised towards the middle of the head. Draw the oral fissure close to a circle shape but with the top cutting off.

Drawing a Crying/Really Upset Chibi Anime Expression

Anime chibi crying facial expression drawing
Crying chibi anime facial expression

For a crying really upset chibi expression draw the eyes as 2 circles with thick outlines and no other details. Draw the eyebrows raised upwards towards the middle of the head with upwards curves. Describe tears coming from the eyes all the way to the bottom of the confront in a wave similar shape. Draw the mouth with a wave shape at the meridian coming all the style to the lesser of the face and covering the mentum.

Drawing a Smug Chibi Anime Expression

Anime chibi sly facial expression drawing
Smug chibi anime facial expression

For a smug chibi expression draw the eyes looking slightly to the side equally one-half ovals with thick lines at the top to point the eyelids. Describe the eyelid lines curving slightly upwardly and angled slightly downwards towards the middle of the confront . Draw the eyebrows slightly closer together than normal raised in upwards curves towards the middle of the caput. Describe the mouth in a smile shape but shade the within (if you are shading your drawing).

Drawing a Gloating Chibi Anime Expression

Anime chibi gloating facial expression drawing
Gloating chibi anime facial expression

For a gloating anime expression draw the eyes as two "bean like" shapes (curved downward). Draw the eyebrows aforementioned as for the smug expression above. Just like the eyes draw the mouth in a bean like shape. If you are shading leave the inside of the mouth white to indicate that teeth are showing.

Drawing a Mazed/Confused Anime Expression

Anime chibi dazed or confused facial expression drawing
Mazed/confused chibi anime facial expression

For a dazed or dislocated expression (similar the character was just hit on the caput) describe the eyebrows every bit spiral lines. Depict the eyebrows raised with lite bumps towards their inner sides to signal that they are beingness squeezed together. Draw the rima oris slightly open


Chibi expressions are adequately easy to draw and a good way to practice drawing in the anime style. If you are interested in drawing facial expressions in a more serious anime or manga style y'all tin can as well check:

  • 12 Anime Facial Expressions Chart & Cartoon Tutorial
  • 12 Anime Male Facial Expressions Nautical chart & Drawing Tutorial
  • How to Draw Anime Tongue Out Face Step past Step