Aba Rules Must Client Review Complaint Before Filing


Lawyers should tread carefully before quitting a troublesome customer

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Ellen Murphy. Photograph courtesy of Wake Forest University Schoolhouse of Law.

Lawyers who seek to withdraw in civil cases for client nonpayment of funds should take precautions to ensure that they do not violate the duty of confidentiality, according to ABA Formal Opinion 476 (PDF).

ABA Model Rule ane.xvi(b)(5) allows attorneys to withdraw when a client "substantially fails to fulfill an obligation to the lawyer." Annotate viii to Dominion 1.16 elucidates: "A lawyer may withdraw if the client refuses to abide by the terms of an agreement relating to the representation, such equally an understanding concerning fees or court costs." Dominion 1.xvi(b)(vi) says a lawyer can withdraw where "the representation will result in an unreasonable fiscal burden on the lawyer or has been rendered unreasonably difficult by the client."

Courts may allow lawyers to withdraw afterwards they give reasonable warning to clients nearly what could happen if they keep to shirk fiscal obligations.

However, Model Rule 1.6 speaks to 1 of the hallmark principles of American legal ethics: the duty of confidentiality. This must exist considered when a lawyer moves for withdrawal. The stance explains that when lawyers file a motion to withdraw, they "must consider how the duty of confidentiality under Rule one.half dozen may limit the information that can exist disclosed in the moving papers."

The opinion notes that "when in doubt, a lawyer should err on the side of nondisclosure." This means that ordinarily a lawyer should file a motion to withdraw based on "professional considerations." Such a motion would not reveal confidential client information.


Many motions—particularly when substitute counsel has been identified or is otherwise readily available—are granted without the professional-considerations language, says Phoenix-based ideals expert Keith Swisher. "That said, including the professional-considerations language is permissible, as the opinion notes, and it should be attempted first before any confidential information is revealed," he says.

However, a courtroom may require more information, as trial courts have broad discretion when ruling on motions to withdraw. The opinion cites Comment 3 to Rule 1.16, which states: "The court may request an explanation for the withdrawal, while the lawyer may be leap to keep confidential the facts that would constitute such an explanation. The lawyer'due south statement that professional person considerations crave termination of the representation commonly should be accepted as sufficient. Lawyers should be mindful of their obligations to both clients and the courtroom under Rule ane.vi and 3.three."

The ethics opinion explains that "to accommodate the individual facts of any item case, the scope of information that may be deemed pertinent to a item withdrawal motion is necessarily one that is left to the trial estimate'south discretion under applicable police force."

The opinion also cites a series of judicial opinions in which judges required more than information earlier they decided whether to grant an attorney'southward motion to withdraw because of a client'southward failure to bide by financial obligations to the attorney.

Ellen Murphy, who teaches professional responsibleness at Wake Woods University School of Police force, says judges should exist able to read between the lines when lawyers seek permission to withdraw and recognize that there could be rule compliance issues, such as conflict of involvement or repugnant action by the client. However, "I tin imagine facts when a judge would want, and reasonably need, more information," Spud says.

Keith Swisher

Keith Swisher. Photograph Courtesy of Swisher PC.

A judge could enquire the lawyer whether the motion is brought in good faith and without a dilatory purpose. The opinion explains that a "approximate should not crave the disclosure of confidential client information without because whether such data is necessary to reach a sound decision on the motion."

If the judge needs more information to dominion on the motility to withdraw, the attorney should endeavor to persuade the court to rule on the movement without the attorney revealing confidential customer information. If that does not piece of work, the attorney should "submit only such information as is reasonably necessary to satisfy the needs of the courtroom and preferably past whatever restricted means of submission, such as in camera review under seal or such other procedures designated to minimize disclosure, as the court determines is appropriate."

"When some additional information is necessary, the judge should crave simply that which is necessary to resolve the event and should usually receive the information under seal and in camera," Swisher says. In certain situations, including conflicts about strategy, a jurist other than the trial judge should hear the sensitive data and make the ruling, so that the trial gauge is not exposed to the information, he adds.

This process might require actress time and expense for lawyers who already might not have been paid past clients. "Our profession increasingly wrestles with the tension between constabulary as a profession vs. police as a business organization and the cost, broadly defined, of increased regulation," Murphy says. "In solely business terms, the added resources, and therefore cost, to the lawyer in having to show cause why withdrawal should be permitted is especially high because the lawyer already has suffered the cost of nonpayment. Essentially, the lawyer has a receivable at this point. And having to show cause further decreases the value of this receivable."


Lawyers are in a different position than many other people in business. They oftentimes have to keep working even though they know they are non getting paid. "Business organisation people value certainty," Tater says. "If a buyer repudiates a contract, the seller can cancel without judicial approval. A lawyer cannot do so, necessarily, when a client repudiates a contract by failing to pay. This reality existed before this opinion; the opinion does not alter things. But information technology is notable that the structure of the procedure institute in this stance increases uncertainty for the lawyer and therefore the costs of doing business. A lawyer can't be a professional unless she can go paid."

The opinion emphasizes that the procedure of filing for and considering a motion to withdraw requires cooperation between lawyers and judges. "Cooperation is essential," Murphy says. "Without information technology, lawyers are at adventure."

Swisher agrees. "Lawyers, of course, need to mind their confidentiality and other obligations to the client and remind judges of these obligations. And judges—who accept the raw power to order disclosure—should be careful non to abuse their power and unnecessarily coerce confidential or privileged information from clients," he says.

The stance besides notes that it does non cover motions to withdraw in criminal cases, which have "additional and unique issues."

Swisher says 2 points could be stated more than strongly in the stance. "Judges should grant deference to attorneys when those attorneys invoke professional considerations, absent-minded of grade other facts suggesting that the attorney cries wolf or that granting the motion will significantly prejudice the case," he says. "And in the result that the professional-considerations linguistic communication is insufficient for the court, attorneys must—not only should—take appropriate measures to protect the data from reaching the other side or third parties."

This article originally appeared in the April 2017 outcome of the ABA Journal with this headline: "Leave to Withdraw: Lawyers should tread carefully before quitting a troublesome customer to comply with ideals rules."

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Source: https://www.abajournal.com/magazine/article/ethics_leave_to_withdraw/

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